Well first of all few terms.
1. When you ask for a signature you need to do that in a new pool.
2. When you ask for a signature please tell the name you want to have on it.
3. When you ask for a signature and open a topic, please add a picture you would like the signature be made of (or at least say what the point behind your nick name) because i cant guess you taste.
4. When you ask for a signature don't spam the forums (asking once is enough)
5. Notice that sometimes your signature won't be made exactly in the same day you asked, it might take (day+) so be patient.
6. All the finished signatures will be posted in the topic you opened to ask one.
Well thats about all.
If you want anything special or you got your own ideas, or anything else, you can just connect me on xfire which is "Perfectxxx" and to point exactly on what you want.
*Please try to follow the terms to make it easier for me to make you a signature, and easier for you to get one.
GoooDDay ^^